21 25 2013A desktop algorithm for top of the line voltage handle with voltage regulators, appropriate for giant radialdistribution networks is given in this paper. An aim function concerning matlab programming total cost of matlab programming voltageregulators investment and maintenance cost in addition to matlab programming cost of losses of matlab programming examined networks is developedand constitutes matlab programming base of matlab programming set of rules. This algorithm makes matlab programming initial alternative, setting up and faucet atmosphere ofthe voltage regulators, which provide matlab smooth voltage profile along matlab programming network, using former algorithmssuitably modified and optimized. Then it attempts to minimize matlab programming number of matlab programming at the start selected voltageregulators up to possible, by moving them in such matlab way as to manage matlab programming community voltage at matlab programming minimumpossible cost maximization of matlab programming objective function. The algorithm is fast, effective and reliable as itsapplication to functional distribution networks shows. S. 2, 200844. V. K. R. Kodur, N. K. A. B. : : .